Elizabeth Nyman

Assistant Professor
Department of Liberal Studies, Political Science

E-mail: enyman@tamug.edu

Phone: +1 (409) 740.4762

Fax: +1 (409) 740.4962

Classroom Lab Building (CLB), Office 217A



Learn more about Elizabeth Nyman

Get To Know Elizabeth Nyman

What in your life drew you to your current field of study?

I have always loved the ocean. But it wasn't until my undergraduate class in international law that I realized how important marine politics can be. Once I started researching in that area, I never went back.

What do you hope your students gain from studying or working with you?

Obviously, I hope that they learn something! But really, what I hope is that whether you work with me in a class or one on one, that you learn something that excites you. College is about opening up the world and seeing new opportunities, and I want all my students to live up to their full potential.

What are you passionate about in your personal life?

I love landscape photography, which is apparent to anyone who has ever been in my office. I also enjoy playing video games.


Ph.D. Political Science, Florida State University, 2010
Political Science, Florida State University, 2006
B.A. International Relations, College of William and Mary, 2005

Courses Taught

MAST 441: Maritime Piracy
POLS 206: American National Government
POLS 347: Politics of Energy and the Environment


Tiller, Rachel and Elizabeth Nyman. Forthcoming. "Ocean plastics and the BBNJ treaty - is plastics frightening enough to insert itself into the BBNJ treaty, or do we need to wait for a treaty of its own?" Pre-published online in Journal of Environmental Studies and Science.

Nyman, Elizabeth and Ryan Lee Teten. 2018. "Lost and Found and Lost Again: Island Utopias and Dystopias in the BioShock Series." Games and Culture 13(4): 370-384.

Nyman, Elizabeth. 2018. "Protecting the Poles: Marine Living Resource Conservation Approaches in the Arctic and Antarctic." Ocean and Coastal Management 151: 193-200.

Nyman, Elizabeth. 2017. "Outpaced by Events: Our Ageing Law of the Sea." International Journal of Maritime History 29(3): 636-644.

Nyman, Elizabeth. 2017. "Maritime Energy and Security: Synergistic Maximization or Necessary Tradeoffs?" Energy Policy 106: 310-314.

Tiller, Rachel and Elizabeth Nyman. 2017. "The Clear and Present Danger to the Norwegian Sovereignty of the Svalbard Fisheries Protection Zone: Enter the Snow Crab." Ocean and Coastal Management 137: 24-33.

Tiller, Rachel and Elizabeth Nyman. 2015. "Having the cake and eating it too: To manage or own the Svalbard Fisheries Protection Zone." Marine Policy 60: 141-148.

Nyman, Elizabeth. 2015. "Offshore Oil Development and Maritime Conflict in the 20th Century: A Statistical Analysis of International Trends," Energy Research and Social Science 6: 1-7.

Nemeth, Stephen C., Sara McLaughlin Mitchell, Elizabeth Nyman, and Paul R. Hensel. 2014. "Ruling the Sea: Managing Maritime Conflicts through UNCLOS and Exclusive Economic Zones," International Interactions 40(5): 711-736.

Nyman, Elizabeth. 2013. "Oceans of Conflict?: Determining Potential Areas of Maritime Disputes," SAIS Review of International Studies Special Issue on Oceans 33(2): 5-14.


2018: "Negotiating Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: Patching Governance Gaps or Starting from Scratch?" With Rachel Tiller and Aslaug Asgiersdottir. Paper presentation at the International Studies Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco.

2017: "Climate change, disasters and community resilience in light of uncertain responsibility coordination – the case of Svalbard avalanches." With Rachel Tiller and Ashley Ross. Paper presentation at Arctic Change, Quebec City.

2017: "Key West and Cuba: Cooperation and Comparative Practices under International Law for Underwater Cultural Heritage." With Benjamin Ritt. Paper presentation at the Australasian Institute of Maritime Archaeology Annual Meeting, Adelaide.

2017: "Changing Technologies, Changing Times: Security and the Law of the Sea." Paper presentation at the Western Political Science Meeting, Vancouver.

2017: "Techno-optimism and Ocean Governance: New Trends in Maritime Monitoring." Paper presentation at the International Studies Association Annual Meeting, Baltimore.

2017: "Offshore Energy: Evolutions of Law and Technology." Paper presentation at the International Studies Association Annual Meeting, Baltimore.

2016: "Governing the Oceans: Conflict, Resources, and the Law of the Sea." Poster presentation at the NAKFI Conference: Discovering the Deep Blue Sea: Research, Innovation, Social Engagement, Irvine.

2016: "Outpaced by Events: Evolution and the Law of the Sea." Paper presentation at the North American Society for Oceanic History Annual Meeting, Portland, Maine.

2015: "'The Hague' or: How to pick an international court – Maritime Edition." With Rachel Tiller. Paper presentation at the International Studies Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta.

2015: "Maritime Energy and Environment: Security Tradeoffs?" Paper presentation at the International Studies Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta.

Professional Appointments

2018 - 2020: Member of the Pool of Experts, Second World Ocean Assessment, United Nations

2018 - Present: Section Co-Leader, International Law, Oceans Task Force, Earth Systems Governance

2016 - Present: Secretary and Council Member, North American Society for Oceanic History